facWEEKLY November 8
We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.
Worship This Sunday
Glory & Dominion: The Church in Philadelphia | Revelation 3:7-13
Join us this week as we continue our series in Revelation, focused on the 7 letters to the 7 churches. We will see how, in a world filled with evil, evil intentions, and a growing resistance to Jesus Christ and the things of Christ’s kingdom, we can have assurances of Christ’s victory—His glory and dominion (Revelation 1:6). Yet, at the forefront of this epic prophecy, is a challenge to the churches of that day and in the ages to come. To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, let us be alert to the Spirit of God in our hearts and in our churches.
Operation Christmas Child
This Sunday, November 10th, is the last day Shoeboxes will be available in the Worship Center lobby at FAC. All boxes must be returned to the OCC table no later than Sunday, November 17th. If you prefer to shop online, you can go to https://sampur.se/48hahje to build a box online. Build a Shoebox Online will be available until December 26, 2024.
Operation Christmas National Collection Week Volunteers Needed.
First Alliance Church is a regional drop-off center for area churches shoeboxes. Beginning Monday, November 18–Monday, November 24, packed shoeboxes will need to be packed in containers for shipment to one of eight national processing centers. Please see Debbie Sulecki at the OCC table in the lobby if you can volunteer at one of the times listed below.
Monday, November 18: 4:30–6:30pm
Tuesday, November 19: 11am–1pm
Wednesday, November 20: 4:30–6:30pm
Thursday, November 21: 4:30–6:30pm
Friday, November 22: 11am–1pm
Saturday, November 23: 11am–3pm
Sunday, November 24: 12–4pm
Monday, November 25: 9am–12pm
Call the Bunco Squad! Seniors Event
Date: Friday, November 15
Time: 6:30–8:30pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $2 per person
Seniors, come for an evening filled with fun, laughter, getting to know people better, snacks, and prizes! Even if you have never played Bunco before, you will be an expert by the time the evening is over.
Sign up at the table in the lobby or by clicking the button below to register. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, November 13th.
Holiday Blessings
Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 5–7:30pm
Place: in the FAC Gym & Worship Center
Cost: $5.00 per ticket or $6.00 if purchased online (includes processing fee)
FAC Women and Girls, it's time for Holiday Blessings! Come for a delicious dinner as we kick off the Thanksgiving and Christmas season together, and join us as we learn about how "A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING" from Guest Speaker Lori Clapper, WCTL Director of Programming and Promotions and Co-Host of Mornings with Dan & Lori on WCTL Christian Radio in Erie.
Be sure to invite your friends, family, and co-workers to enjoy this special evening, including fun, fellowship, music, a craft, our free basket giveaway, and a great message!
Tickets are $5.00 each if purchased at our table in the church lobby, or $6.00 each if purchased online through the FAC website (including the online processing fee). Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door. Be sure to reserve your seats early, as seating for dinner will be limited to the capacity of our gym.
Check out our table in the church lobby for more information.
GriefShare – Surviving the Holidays Seminar
Date: Saturday, November 23
Time: 1–3:30pm
Place: Room B-106
Cost: $7.00 (Includes survival guide)
When you are grieving a loved one’s death, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants discover: • How to deal with emotions, what to do about traditions, helpful tips for surviving social events, and how to find hope for the future.
Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register. The deadline to register is Saturday, November 23. For more information, contact Greg or Lynda Paulding, (814-823-7396 or 814-873-5002).
Collecting Hearing Aids for the Dominican Republic
We have been collecting eyeglasses for many years to take to the Dominican Republic as part of our ministry with Meeting God in Missions. We are now asking for hearing aids, in any condition, to be donated as well.
Both of these items can be placed in collection boxes found at The Hub, throughout the year.
Prayer for International Workers
David and Brenda Aderholdt are international workers supported by FAC. They serve the Macedonian community. Brenda is traveling from one end of Macedonia to the other as she wraps up her trip to there. Pray that she will complete all her tasks. We are thrilled by the results from the ANA Conference for women and her visits with key leaders.
You can learn more about them by picking up a copy of our “Prayer Guide for World Missions” near The Hub and you can partner with David and Brenda in ministry by giving to the FAC Missions Fund.
Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.
Finance Information
Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.
General Fund
Last Week
Actual: $27,199
Budgeted: $20,977
Prior Year Comparison: $22,531
Year To Date
Actual: $201,262
Budgeted: $209,770
Prior Year Comparison: $193,652