Today, over 68 million Americans are over the age of 50. Two-thirds of all persons 65 or older who have ever lived are alive today, and in the next seven years, senior adults will comprise over 17% of the nation’s population. In addition, today’s seniors embrace an active, creative lifestyle and a volunteerism mindset, making them a valuable resource in the mission of the church.

Many senior adults call FAC home, many of whom actively serve in our various ministries including our food pantry, children’s ministry, shut-in visitation, music, and prayer. In addition to opportunities for service, our Seniors Ministry offers a full and balanced program for seniors including worship, outreach, fellowship, and recreation.



Activities are planned every month. For details, contact Pastor Scott at Click below to view a copy of our newsletter!


Seniors Bible Class

Date: Sunday mornings
Time: 11:00am–12:00pm
Place: Room E215 (Fireside Room)
Teachers: Pastor Scott Shuffield, retired missionary Mike Murphy, Ron Franklin, and Rich Pustelak.

There is more to this class than just teaching. We sing hymns together, pray for one another, and fellowship together.

Anna's Sisters

A Community For Widows

Date: Third Friday of each month
Time: 12:00–2:00pm
Place: Room E215 (Fireside Room), unless otherwise announced

We are a community of vibrant, active women with a common bond who support, love, and encourage one another and welcome widows of all ages and stages.

Seniors Games

Date: Monday evenings
Time: 6:00–8:00pm
Place: FAC Gym

Monday Night Games is a great time for those 55+ to get together in the church gymnasium. Starting with a time of sharing and praying; with groovy games, super snacks, fantastic fellowship, and some serious shuffleboarding. In addition, birthdays are celebrated, and periodic dinners are enjoyed. In the summer, we have picnics scheduled.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in more information on facSENIORS, fill out the form below to get in touch with our Pastor of Care and Seniors, Scott Shuffield.