facWEEKLY February 21

We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.

Worship This Sunday

TRINITY 101 | Matthew 28:17-20

This week Pastor Ben will share a message on one of the core doctrines of the Christian church. While the word, “trinity”, doesn’t appear in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, God reveals this truth to us in a number of different ways. When we begin to see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit active in the scriptures, our belief is strengthened, and we see the richness of our faith.

Missions Dinner

Date: Saturday, March 1
Time: 6–8:30pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $5 per person

FAC is going to be focusing on and celebrating God's work throughout the world through missions, Saturday, March 1st through Wednesday, March 5th. *And on Saturday, March 1st at 6pm, we will have a special taco bar dinner with FAC missionaries Steve & Christy Volstad and Holly Woodworth. You need to sign up in advance so we can plan accordingly. Sign ups will be online and in the church lobby. The cost is $5 per person.

Erie Otters Family Night

Date: Sunday, March 2
Time: 4pm
Place: Erie Insurance Arena
Cost: $14 per person

facMEN is sponsoring a family night at an Otters hockey game on March 2! Invite the whole family for an action-packed time.

Tickets cost $14 each and must be paid in advance at the table in the church lobby (cash or checks made payable to Craig Post). Purchased tickets will be available on March 2 at the Erie Insurance Arena "will call" window. Deadline to purchase tickets is February 23.

New Bible Study (with two different group/meeting opportunities)

Dates for Women’s only study: Mondays, beginning March 10–April 28
Time: 6:30pm
Place: in room E215 (Fireside Room)
Cost: $10 for study guide

Dates for study open to everyone: Thursdays, beginning March 13–May 1
Time: 7pm
Place: in room B106
Cost: $10 for study guide

We are excited to introduce a new study, "Practicing the Way" by John Mark Comer and to be offering two different group/meeting opportunities.

In this study, we will explore how to deepen our spiritual lives as followers of Jesus. This study is for both newcomers looking to build a relationship with Him and long-time followers seeking growth beyond routine. In this 8-week study, we will explore spiritual formation, following Jesus, finding God in pain and suffering, healing from sin, and creating a daily rhythm to grow closer to Jesus.

Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register.

Prayer for International Workers

David and Evangeline Kindervater are international workers supported by FAC, serving in Tokyo, Japan. February is international tax and C&MA budget season, which both mean a lot of extra work for David, who is the mission bookkeeper for Japan. Please pray that he will do well with these important, if not loved, tasks.

You can partner with David and Evangeline in ministry by giving to the Great Commission Fund.

Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.

Finance Information

Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.

General Fund


Last Week

Actual: $16,728

Budgeted: $23,477

Prior Year Comparison: $14,563

Year To Date

Actual: $565,803

Budgeted: $551,924

Prior Year Comparison: $517,429


For more information on all facEVENTS, take a look at our full calendar!