Acts: Movement and Mission | Week 5 | Acts 2:42–47, 4:32–35 (NIV) Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSMay 5, 2024Acts
Acts: Movement and Mission | Week 3 | In the Name of Jesus [Acts 3 (NIV)] Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSApril 21, 2024Acts
Acts: Movement and Mission | Week 1 | Victory Formation [Acts 1 (NIV)] Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSApril 7, 2024Acts
Easter Sunday | Victory | 1 Corinthians (NIV) Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSMarch 31, 20241 Corinthians
3rd Voices | Week 1 | "Hope in the Hard Places" Sermons, Bob and Cheryl FugatefacCOMMSMarch 3, 2024Romans
MarriedLife Matters | Week 3 | "Marriage Needs the Best of Both People" Sermons, Scott ShuffieldfacCOMMSFebruary 25, 2024
MarriedLife Matters | Week 2 | "Do I Say 'I Do,' Again?" Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSFebruary 18, 2024Ruth
MarriedLife Matters | Week 1 | Genesis 2:15-24 Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSFebruary 11, 2024Genesis
How Do You Pray? | Week 3: All We Need | Matthew 6:6–13 Sermons, Ben DiStefanofacCOMMSJanuary 21, 2024Matthew
Renewing Relationships | Matthew 18:15–19 Sermons, Chenzong VuefacCOMMSDecember 31, 2023Matthew, New Years