facWEEKLY October 25
We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.
2024 Annual Congregational Meeting & Worship Service
Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 9:30 & 11am
Place: in the Worship Center
You are invited to join us this Sunday, October 27, during either worship service at 9:30 or 11am as we celebrate God’s faithfulness and what He has done, is doing, and will continue to do here at FAC! Pastor Ben will share the message titled, Behold Our God.
Official FAC members will have the privilege of voting for elders and church officers and are invited to stop by the table in the lobby to cast their ballot. All ballots must be returned to the table by 10:45am. Late ballots will not be counted.
We will be having our Children’s ministry as normal during the 11am service.
If you have any questions, reach out to Kim Palmer in the church office at kpalmer@facerie.org or 814-833-9862.
facWOMEN’s Evening Bible Study
Date: Mondays, beginning October 28
Time: 6:30pm
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)
Cost: $10 for book
The Rocks Cry Out: The Bible is under attack these days and a key factor causing people to doubt the trustworthiness of the Bible is the conflict between creation and evolution. Many people who grew up in the church and professed belief in Jesus have turned away from faith, including large numbers of our youth. Evolution is presented everywhere as if it is scientific fact. It is not. The Bible actually provides a better explanation of the observable facts. This study provides basic concepts that non-scientists can relate to and understand. Its main purpose is to increase trust in the reliability and accuracy of God's word.
Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register.
Worship & Prayer Night
Date: Wednesday, November 6
Time: 7pm
Place: in the Worship Center
Join us on Wednesday, November 6, at 7pm in the Worship Center as we gather for a time of Worship & Prayer. Our hope is to see this and future gatherings be a time of people seeking God in prayer together, times of celebration, and times of intercession for each other. Let’s see what God will do at FAC as we seek Him first. May all our concerns be met in Jesus as we come to Him in prayer.
Operation Christmas Child
Shoeboxes will be available in the worship center lobby at FAC beginning Sunday, October 27th. The last day to pick up shoeboxes is Sun. November 10th. All boxes must be returned to FAC no later than Sunday, November 17. If you prefer to shop online you can go to https://sampur.se/48hahje to build a box Online.
Call the Bunco Squad!
Date: Friday, November 15
Time: 6:30–8:30pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $2 per person
Come for an evening filled with fun, laughter, getting to know people better, snacks, and prizes! Even if you have never played Bunco before, you will be an expert by the time the evening is over.
Sign up at the table in the lobby or by clicking the button below to register. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, November 13th.
Holiday Blessings
Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 5–7:30pm
Place: in the FAC Gym & Worship Center
Cost: $5.00 per ticket or $6.00 if purchased online (includes processing fee)
FAC Women and Girls, it's time for Holiday Blessings! Come for a delicious dinner as we kick off the Thanksgiving and Christmas season together, and join us as we learn about how "A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING" from Guest Speaker Lori Clapper, WCTL Director of Programming and Promotions and Co-Host of Mornings with Dan & Lori on WCTL Christian Radio in Erie.
Be sure to invite your friends, family, and co-workers to enjoy this special evening, including fun, fellowship, music, a craft, our free basket giveaway, and a great message!
Tickets are $5.00 each if purchased at our table in the church lobby starting October 20th, or $6.00 each if purchased online through the FAC website (including the online processing fee). Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door. Be sure to reserve your seats early, as seating for dinner will be limited to the capacity of our gym.
Check out our table in the church lobby for more information.
Believer's Baptism
Date: Sunday, November 24
Time: 9:30 & 11am
Place: in the Worship Center
If you've made the decision to follow Christ but have never been baptized, what's holding you back? At FAC, we celebrate these things together as a family, and we're planning a baptism service for Sunday, November 24, during both morning services. Baptism classes are a prerequisite for this, and these two classes will be held during the 1st and 2nd weeks of November.
If you're interested, you can register below, or contact Pastor Scott at sshuffield@facerie.org.
Men's Winter Bible Study
Date: Saturdays, beginning January 11, 2025
Time: 9–10:30am
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)
Cost: $5 for book
facMEN are already planning for our next Bible study - A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23. This study begins January 11th! Early registration is now available. Books need to be pre-ordered and cost ONLY $5. Men's Bible Study meets Saturday mornings 9–10:30.
Prayer for International Workers
David and Evangeline Kindervater are international workers supported by FAC, serving in Tokyo, Japan. Last month they had a picnic and invited people who previously came to the after-school program. Four new families came!! This is a big answer to prayer and a big number in Japan. Please pray for relationships to develop with these new acquaintances.
You can partner with David and Evangeline in ministry by giving to the Great Commission Fund.
Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.
Finance Information
Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.
General Fund
Last Week
Actual: $13,052
Budgeted: $20,977
Prior Year Comparison: $16,683
Year To Date
Actual: $155,824
Budgeted: $167,816
Prior Year Comparison: $157,499