facWEEKLY March 15
We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.
Worship This Sunday
3rd Voices
Rev. Dr. John Stumbo, President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (USA) will be our guest speaker, as the final installment of our 3rd Voices Series. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what God is doing in the Alliance, both in the US and around the world. We believe that through the counsel of many, God impresses his call on the hearts of people and we are hoping that these 3rd Voices speak to us as a church and as individuals for what God has for us in these days.
Join us Sunday, 9:30am or 11:00am.
Good Friday and Easter Services
Date: Friday, March 29
Time: 7:00pm
Place: in the Worship Center
Date: Sunday, March 31
Time: 9:30am & 11am
Place: in the Worship Center
Join us on Good Friday for a service of remembrance and reflection, as we consider the meaning of the cross and Jesus’ crucifixion, and on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the VICTORY that it means for us. Both of our Easter services will feature the same music, readings, and encouragement to realize how powerful the resurrection of Christ is for us, even today.
Come celebrate with us and invite a friend!
30 Days of Prayer
Pick up your "30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World" booklet at The Hub and join us in lifting up a different country or Muslim people group each day during their religious month of Ramadan. From March 10–April 8, all of Islam will fast daily and give extra prayers in hopes of growing closer to Allah. Let us pray for the one true God and Creator to be revealed and for his kingdom to be expanded.
Conquer Series
Date: Thursdays, starting March 14
Time: 7:00pm
Place: in room C301
Cost: registration is free but $30 for workbook
Chains are being broken and marriages are being restored. The Conquer Series is returning to FAC. This is a cinematic teaching series for anyone who wants to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behavior and/or betrayal or anyone who wants to better understand the struggles that others may be going through. This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual healing. You will learn tools that help you make an enduring commitment to change and help you understand the strongholds of the enemy in your life.
Registration is free, but the companion workbooks are $30. If you have any questions, or want to learn more, reach out to Chenny Langness at cnlangness@gmail.com
Cultural IQ
Date: Friday, March 15
Time: 7pm
Place: in room B106
Increase your Cultural IQ! Join us for our second event where we will be hearing from Pastor Mark Edwards of Grandview Alliance Church and former IW to Taiwan. Learn about the pillars of Buddhism and how to bridge gospel conversations. Pastor Mark will also be sharing what he and his wife have been doing to connect with the local Chinese community.
No registration required. Come enjoy the conversation with cake and coffee.
Women 2 Women Bible Study
Date: Tuesdays, starting March 19
Time: 9:30–11:30am
Place: in room B106
Cost: $10 for workbook
Join our First Alliance Church women on Tuesday mornings from 9:30–11:30 as we dive into a study about the parables of Jesus. “Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the Kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. In six engaging, interactive small-group sessions, The Parables of Jesus will give you new insights into Jesus’ parables and their meanings—and will help you more fully appreciate their relevance for your own life.” - The Parables of Jesus by Matthew Williams
This study will run from March 19–April 23.
facWOMEN Mother & Daughter Luncheon
Date: Saturday, May 4
Time: 12:00pm
Place: in the Gym and Worship Center
Cost: $5
SAVE THE DATE! Calling all FAC women and girls: you're invited to our facWOMEN’s Mother & Daughter Luncheon on Saturday, May 4th at 12:00pm at FAC. Come and join us for a delicious lunch to celebrate Mother's Day and we’ll learn about how God’s Word portrays THE LOVE OF A FRIEND from guest speaker Elizabeth Daigle, District Director of Alliance Women.
Come and bring a friend! Registration coming soon!
News to Celebrate!
At last weekend's Youth Group Lock-in we had a record attendance with 79 students joining us for the evening! 60 percent of those students were friends of our regular attendees and we celebrated 5 students who gave their life to Christ! Praise the LORD! God is doing some amazing things through our youth ministry. If you would like to stay connected with us, sign up for our monthly newsletter that is sent out at the beginning of each month! Thank you for your endless prayers and support of our students and Youth Ministry!
Prayer for International Workers
Chris and Liz are international workers supported by FAC. They serve in N. Africa. They, along with another teammate's family, are moving to the Chay region this summer! God has provided a house, an office, and the green light from their team to move forward! It’s a long-awaited move and comes with great rejoicing.
You can learn more about them by picking up a copy of our “Prayer Guide for World Missions” near The Hub and you can partner with Chris and Liz in ministry by giving to the FAC Missions Fund.
Sunday Footnotes:
A gentle reminder to our Sunday family: if the service has already started, please refrain from using the center aisle to enter or leave the worship center, especially during the sermon time. Our camera operator needs a clear view of the pulpit.
Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.
Finance Information
Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.
General Fund
Last Week
Actual: $17,640
Budgeted: $20,047
Prior Year Comparison: $18,173
Year To Date*
Actual: $579,491
Budgeted: $665,728
Prior Year Comparison: $655,533