facWEEKLY January 19
We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.
Worship This Sunday
How Do You Pray? | Week 3: All We Need | Matthew 6:6–13 (NASB)
Do you ever get caught looking ahead? It’s easy to do, as we set our calendars and check our plans. But sometimes we get so caught up in looking ahead that we miss today. Join us this Sunday as we make a turn in our series on prayer, and begin to look at being present in our prayers.
New Journey with God Series
Date: starting January 21
Time: 9:30am
Place: B106
Cost: $9 study guide
How does a Christian behave when surrounded by a hostile world that doesn't understand who we are or why we do what we do? In three letters, Peter and Jude provide some answers: Abandon the old pagan ways. Learn the new habit of love. Put on the mental armor that will make you strong to face the suffering that may come.
Join us for this 9-week study of the books of 1&2 Peter and Jude as Tom Wright shows us the wisdom of their words today and reminds us, in the midst of hardship, that the God who deserves all praise is still "the one who is able to keep you standing upright."
Teachers are Clay Bannister, Matt Rogerson & Scott Taylor.
Intro to FAC and Membership Classes
Date: January 21–February 18
Time: 11:00am
Place: B106
Are you new or newer to First Alliance Church? Maybe you've been attending for years and have decided you'd like to become a member. Either way, this class is for you! Intro to FAC is a five-week course on all things FAC. Learn about who we are, what we believe, how to get involved, and the importance of becoming a member of the local church. This is also a great opportunity to meet others and build relationships!
If you'd like to be a part of Intro to FAC, use the link below to register. Deadline for registration is TODAY. For questions, contact Kim Palmer in the church office at 814-833-9862.
Financial Peace University
Date: January 21–March 17
Time: 4:00–5:30pm
Place: E215
Cost: $80
Do you ever feel like you just can't get control of your money? You are not alone. You'd be surprised how many people are struggling with finances just like you. Our culture is designed to weigh you down with credit cards, car loans, and student loans.
It can be overwhelming … but it DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. All you need is a little bit of knowledge, a little bit of direction, and a whole lot of encouragement from people who are on the same journey toward financial freedom. Financial Peace University is the perfect place to find all of this!
Join the Financial Peace University class and break free from financial pressures, get out of debt, and learn life-changing money principles. Click the button below to register or contact Valerie Kuntz at valerie.kuntz@gmail.com for more information.
Pure Desire: Compassionate Warrior
Date: January 22–June 10
Time: 7:00–8:30pm
Place: F203
Cost: $60
The Compassionate Warrior is a follow-up to 7 Pillars, designed for men who have made significant progress on the road to freedom from sexual addiction. You may have completed the initial work, but still find relapse sneaking up on you from time to time. You are reaching year 4, 5, or 6 of sobriety and find that you are still fighting daily for survival.
The Compassionate Warrior will take you deeper, and help you find the areas of your life where the enemy has laid emotional explosives. Finally, this course will help you identify the most profound areas of giftedness in your life so that you can be a warrior for others, not just yourself.
Reach out to Chenny Langness (cnlangness@gmail.com) for any questions or to get more information. Register and pay at the table in the lobby.
GriefShare - Grief Support Group
Date: January 24–April 17
Time: 1–3pm
Place: B106
Cost: $20 (Includes workbook)
Thanks for being a part of a growing number of people that are open to the grieving process and want the support that GriefShare provides. We know it hurts and we want to help turn your mourning to joy.
There is a fee collected at the first session so that you may receive your very own workbook, even for the returning participants with this updated version.
We look forward to meeting you and walking side by side with you during this very difficult time. For more information and to register, click the button below.
Summer Mission Trip Info Meeting
Date: January 28
Time: 12:30pm
Place: E215 (Fireside Room)
This meeting is designed to provide parents and students with important information regarding facYOUTH's upcoming summer mission trip. You will be provided with dates, locations and an estimated cost of the trip.
Registering for this meeting is not required, but we encourage all interested students and their parents/guardians to join us on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 12:30pm after the second worship service. Come to the meeting for more information! If you're unable to attend, contact Pastor Chenzong Vue at cvue@facerie.org
Date: starting January 28
Time: 3:00–6:00pm
Place: B106
Do you feel called to bless others or do you wonder how you can participate in the Great Commission? Then Perspectives might be for you! Perspectives is a 15-week, in-depth course rooted in Scripture.
The class runs January 28–May 19 on Sunday afternoons and requires a commitment to growth and learning. Each week has some required reading and possible homework, depending on the level you register at.
Registration is required and space is limited. Visit the table in the lobby for more information and register online at https://perspectives.org/courses/erie-pa-spring-2024/
Attend the first class on January 28 for free and to get a taste of Perspectives!
facMEN’s Breakfast
Date: February 10
Time: 9–10:30am
Place: Youth Center
Cost: no cost to attend, but donations will be accepted
Gentlemen, you’re invited! Join us on Feb 10 for the Winter 2024 Men's Breakfast. Rain, snow, or shine ... come on out and enjoy amazing food and fellowship with others from FAC and the community.
Space is limited, so sign up today! Sign up at the table in the lobby or by clicking the button below to register. Registration is required and the deadline is Feb 4.
Believer’s Baptism
Date: February 25
Time: 9:30 & 11:00am during services
If you've made the decision to follow Christ but have never been baptized, what's holding you back? At FAC, we celebrate these things together as a family, and we're planning a baptism service for Sunday, February 25th during both morning services.
Baptism classes are a prerequisite for this, and these two classes will be held during the third and fourth week of January. If you're interested, you can register by clicking the button below or contact Pastor Scott at sshuffield@facerie.org or Pastor Chen at cvue@facerie.org
Registration deadline is January 21.
2023 Giving Statements
The 2023 Giving Statements will be sent via email again this year, and will be available for you to view and print. They will be generated through our REALM database system, so please check your inbox for an email from First Alliance Church notifications@onrealmmail.org.
Because it's a mass mailing, check your spam folder (or your promotions folder in Gmail) if you have not received the statement by January 31. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Junker (FAC Finance Assistant) at njunker@facerie.org
Prayer Request for International Workers
Bob and Cheryl are international workers supported by FAC. Pray for Bob and Cheryl as they speak in churches during their brief home assignment. Pray for those carrying the ministries and overseeing the building project while Bob and Cheryl are physically absent.
You can learn more about them by picking up a copy of our “Prayer Guide for World Missions” near The Hub and you can partner with Bob and Cheryl in ministry by giving to the Great Commission Fund.
Sunday Footnotes:
A gentle reminder to our Sunday family: if the service has already started, please refrain from using the center aisle to enter or leave the worship center, especially during the sermon time. Our camera operator needs a clear view of the pulpit.
Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.
Finance Information
Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.
General Fund
Prior Year
Last Week
Year To Date*