facWEEKLY January 03

We hope you've had a good week, FAC Family! Here are just some of the great things happening in the coming weeks.

Worship This Sunday

As Christians we believe that prayer is central to the Christian life. Scripture says we should “pray without ceasing”. Join us as we start the new year off with a 4 part sermon series on prayer.

40 Days of Prayer

Date: Beginning Sunday, January 5th

FAC family, we are excited to kick off the new year with a “40 Days of Prayer” organized by the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Sunday, January 5, is when we will begin, concluding on February 13. There will be weekly virtual prayer encounters each Wednesday from 7:30–8:30pm. To register for this exciting event, click on the button below.

Women 2 Women Bible Study

Date: Tuesdays, beginning January 7
Time: 9:30–11:30am
Place: in room B106
Cost: $13 for book

Join our women’s group as we begin a new study in January by Nancy Guthrie: ”The Promised One”.

“The Promised One” provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading women in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises point to Christ. Over ten weeks of study, participants will see Christ as the agent of creation, the offspring who will crush the head of the serpent, the ark of salvation, and the source of righteousness.

Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register.

GriefShare – Loss of a Spouse Seminar

Date: Wednesday, January 8
Time: 1–3:30pm
Place: in room B106
Cost: $7.00 (Includes participant guide)

Grieving the death of your spouse? You have come to the right place...welcome to GriefShare's Loss of a Spouse seminar. Your life has changed forever. The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. God has a plan for your journey of grief, and we have loving and caring people to help you during this time.

Sign up at the table in the lobby or click on the button below to register. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 8. For more information, contact Greg or Lynda Paulding, (814-823-7396 or 814-873-5002).


Date: Thursdays, January 9–April 3
Time: 6:30–8pm
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)
Cost: $15 (Includes workbook)

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. During this 13-week, video-based support group program, you will find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil, learn practical tools for decision making, and gain hope for the future. You can register by clicking the button below. Entry is open-ended, meaning you can join at any time. The cost for the workbook is $15. For more information contact Chuck & Mary Beth Master at 814-520-1947 or email info@facerie.org.

Men's Winter Bible Study

Date: Saturdays, beginning January 11, 2025
Time: 9–10:30am
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)
Cost: $5 for book

In this Bible study, we will travel the Shepherd's path to the green pastures and cool, refreshing waters of Psalm 23. We will gain insights into the life and character of sheep–and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. You will learn a new meaning to the ageless Shepherd Psalm, enriching your trust in and love for the Lord who watches closely over you. We have a limited number of books remaining, and they cost ONLY $5. To register, click the button below.

Journey with God: New Study

Date: Sundays beginning January 12
Time: 9:30am
Place: in room B106

The Journey with God adult class invites you to join them for their next study, Tim Keller's "Generosity: Responding to God's Radical Grace in Community," on Sundays, beginning January 12, at 9:30am in B106.

According to the Bible, generosity is so much more than being generous with money. The source of radical generosity is a gospel-transformed heart that has received the costly grace of God. In the seven-session study guide, we will have a chance to explore 7 passages from the Book of Luke and learn from the companion DVD of Dr. Tim Keller’s sermons to answer questions such as: What does it look like to be a more hospitable community? Where can we find the resources to forgive those who have wronged us? And how can we become better stewards of our money?

The class will be taught by Elder Clay Bannister with Scott Taylor.

Senior Adult Bible Class

Date: Sundays
Time: 11am
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)

This class is for those who are 55 and better! and desire to study God's Word, fellowship with other Christ-followers, and sing the familiar hymns and choruses they grew up with. This welcoming group averages 75 or more each Sunday and we are currently studying verse by verse through the book of Revelation. Bring your Bible, grab a cup of coffee at the door, and join us on our journey.

Under His Wings - The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Date: Thursday, January 16
Time: noon–2:30pm
Place: in room E215 (Fireside room)

This is for all women who have had cancer or have it currently, those with chronic illness of any type, and caregivers. We will be discussing depression.

Please bring your own lunch.

Benevolence Fund

FAC's Benevolence Ministry is designed to help the FAC family, primarily widows, single parent families, the unemployed, and those with financial emergencies and unexpected expenses. This ministry is entirely funded through the generous giving of our church family. If you would like to give, whether regularly, or when the Lord leads, you can mark your giving envelopes or click on “Benevolence Fund” on the drop-down box through FAC's online giving. If you are experiencing a need, you may contact Jim Kubaney (814-323-6825) or Pastor Scott Shuffield (sshuffield@facerie.org).

GriefShare – Grief Support Group

Date: Wednesdays, January 22–April 16
Time: 1–3pm
Place: in room B106
Cost: $20 (Includes workbook)

Thanks for being a part of a growing number of people that are open to the grieving process and want the support that GriefShare provides. We know it hurts and we want to help turn your mourning to joy.

There is a fee collected at the first session so that you may receive your very own workbook, even for the returning participants with this updated version.

We look forward to meeting you and walking side by side with you during this very difficult time. For more information and to register, click the button below.

Bar Hopping - for Senior Adults

Date: Friday, January 24
Time: 6–8pm
Place: in the Youth Center
Cost: $5.00

We are going to have a baked potato BAR, an ice cream sundae BAR, and a Christian Comedy video from a group called Dry Comedy BAR. (Get it? “Bar” Hopping?) Now that you’ve put away the tar and feathers, get this Seniors event on your calendar! It’s an event you won’t want to miss!

Register at the table in the lobby or by clicking the button below.

Prayer for International Workers

Chris and Liz are international workers supported by FAC. They serve in N. Africa. They’ve had some challenges come up with their residency paperwork. They’ve recently moved to a new city. Just like in the States, when you move to a new state, there are a number of things that need to change to establish your residency in the new place. This means they need to make a number of additional trips to their old city (7 hours away) to gather paperwork from various offices in order to make this transfer. The old residency will expire in the new year, and they’re trying to hustle to gather everything in time for their legal status in this country to not lapse. Please pray for favor and grace as they travel back and forth to get things taken care of quickly.

You can learn more about them by picking up a copy of our “Prayer Guide for World Missions” near The Hub and you can partner with Chris and Liz in ministry by giving to the FAC Missions Fund.

Do You Have a Prayer Request or Praise?

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere" (Ephesians 6:18, NLT).
The staff and elders at FAC would love to pray for you. Send your request or praise to Pastor Scott through the form below.

Finance Information

Father, as we lay before you our financial offering, we give you all that we are and everything that you have entrusted to us. Bless these gifts for the sake of your kingdom and glory.

General Fund


December 22

Actual: $28,907

Budgeted: $22,977

Prior Year Comparison: $34,241

December 29

Actual: $12,082

Budgeted: $22,977

Prior Year Comparison: $18,091

Year To Date

Actual: $389,666

Budgeted: $364,609

Prior Year Comparison: $349,449

Year To Date

Actual: $401,748

Budgeted: $387,586

Prior Year Comparison: $367,468


For more information on all facEVENTS, take a look at our full calendar!